
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Another one really!!

So im trying to stay positive right now but its kind of hard! Well we found out thursday that i was pregnant. We were so excited!! I just had a really good feeling this time that everything was going to be ok. I just felt like nothing good take this baby away from me i felt so good. I couldnt stop smiling. Went to the dr yesterday and they did a home pregnacy test and it was negative so the dr sent me to give blood. Than i got home and started bleeding. I just knew i lost it again. And the results of the blood test was barley positive so i knew i was losing it. Last night was hard i was in so much pain i dont remember that from last time. I have all these hormons that are just making me feel nuts i hope this doesnt last long. But for now im taking the day off and resting and trying to stay positive. And to end on a positve note at least i can get pregnant now just need to stay pregnant. But we are taking a break dont know when i can start trying again maybe 6 months i dont know all i know is i can go through this again anytime soon!


Jessica said...

Awe! Bummer, I'm sorry!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. while I cant say I know how you feel I really feel for you guys. It's so hard to watch you and know how much you want one and wonder why you cant get one!! We are thinking of you guys and praying that you will get a sweet spirit sent to you soon! Love ya both!

Anonymous said...

I understand how you are feeling. I lost a baby the end of Dec. I was 20 weeks. It was so hard. I really like that you are trying to stay positive. That is the best thing you can do right now. I will be praying for you. I was told by the specialists that you are the most fertile the month after a miscarriage. Don't give up! It will happen.

Megan said...

Dang it! Its so frustrating and I know how you are feeling. The Lord has a plan for all of us and it will happen when its time. I have to believe that for myself also. I am praying for you and I am always thinking of you. I don't like how we have this miscarriage similarity going on. Lets break the cycle!